Mr. Pascal Kodjo Tigahire
About the Chairman
Pascal Tigahire is the Founder and Managing Director of COPIAFAX, a member of the Groupe d' Entreprises Tigahire Pascal et Filis (ETIPAF) comprising of more than 8 Companies offering Services in the following Domains:
- Building and public works
>- Mining
- Gold Trading
- Financial Institution
- Air Transport
- Land Transport
- Sale of Luxury Cars
The assests of the ETIFAP Group amount to more than 342 MILLION USD. COPIAFAX Ghana Ltd has been in existence for more than 6 years and the Equity of the Parent Company COPIAFAX amounts to more than 85 MILLION USD of which Pascal TIGAHIRE is the Holder of all the Shares.
Thanks to its Priviledged Relations with Local and Internation Financial Institutions, COPIAFAX manages to raise funds for any Public Private Partnership Project (PPP) in the sub-region and internationally.
Through his Commitment to Excellence and Dedication to Professionalism, Pascal TIGAHIRE and COPIAFAX have continued to exceed industry Standards by forming Strong Professional Partnerships based on intergrity, ingenuity and Reliability. These characteristics, along with a deep-rooted connection to Africa, have enabled himand his Company to become one ofthe most recognized and respected names in the Constrution Industry.
Apart from Business, he is also a Man committed to Humanitarian Affairs.
Indeed, Mr. Pascal TIGAHIRE makes his heart speak whenever the opportunity arises through several social actions for disadvantaged and deprived populations in West Africa, going so far as to build a whole road that he graciously offered to Burkina Faso.
As part of his actions in favor of the Economic and Social Development of Burkina Faso, Mr. Pascal TIGAHIRE was elevated to the rank of KNIGHT OF THE ORDER OF MERIT in 2002 and OFFICER OF THE NATIONAL ORDER in 2009 by the Government of Burkina Faso.